What kind of writing support do you need?

Business Bios– Writing our professional bios can be daunting. The purpose of most small business marketing isn’t really to sell your product, its to sell you with your product. In Your Voice offers a new twist to be sure your bio presents your most engaging qualifications.  Click here to read more about my bio writing process.

Editing– That manuscript you’re sitting on? It’s time to get it out there. Don’t know how to turn five years of journal articles into that book you’re dying to write? I do. In Your Voice provides developmental and collaborative editing for your completed or in process documents. ‘Developmental’ means I help you take what you have and build it into what you need it to be.

Ghostwriting– Not everyone who needs to be an author has the time, inclination, or skills to create written documents. In Your Voice can work from interviews or existing documents like blogs and journal articles to present your story in your point of view. From business based articles suitable for publication to children’s stories, In Your Voice can create what you need. We call it ‘ghostwriting’ because at the end of the process, I fade away and the only name that goes out there is yours.

Project Management– Writing a book can be daunting. In Your Voice project management services will work with you to create an outline and schedule deadlines so you can feel more in control of your project and feel confident at an unfamiliar task.

Blogs– Social Media is here to stay and if you have a professional message, you need to keep it in front of your customers. Blogs are a great way to share the right combination of your personality and your expertise. In Your Voice makes sure that you always sound like you, even when it’s really ‘us’.

Speech Writing– Public speaking is just plain scary for many people. One excellent way to overcome those fears is with a well written piece that flows naturally and emphasizes what you know best. In Your Voice will work with you in developing the right phrasing and content to bring out your best presentation.


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